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Gender Integration in REDD+ and ERPD in Nepal

From January through May, 2017, WOCAN was contracted by the Forest Carbon PartnershipFacility of the World Bank to conduct a gender assessment at the district and communitylevel within the Emissions Reduction Program area to provide baseline information on thevarious social, economic and political conditions that women face in the forest sector, and toidentify opportunities and real benefits that could be possible through REDD+ interventions.

In order to guide effective integration of gender within the forest sector, WOCAN included anassessment of the relevant forest agencies as well. The assessment is complemented by anAction Plan that identifies a roadmap of activities based on the findings of the assessment tohelp to make the REDD+ ER program and strategies more gender responsive and assurewomen can obtain real benefits. The assessment also contributes to SESA and ESMFimplementation.

A review of Nepal’s policies and practices for gender integration in forestry shows thatdespite policy mandates provided in Nepal’s GESI (Gender Equality and Social Inclusion)strategy and vision, the forest sector has not achieved effective gender integration inprogramming, budgeting, and monitoring and evaluation, even after concerted effort bydifferent agencies. However, good practices generated in Nepal’s development of civilsociety and devolution in forest management provides a solid basis for developing a GESI responsiveER Program.

The assessment team, comprised of WOCAN, HIMAWANTI and REDD ImplementationCenter staff, employed participatory methods, using Focus Group Discussions and interviewsto obtain data from 585 members (384 women and 201 men) of Community Forestry andCollaborative Forestry User Groups in six Terai and one hill district of Nepal, and a multistakeholdermeeting in Kathmandu.

Key findings show that:

1) There is a high level of engagement of rural women in labor- intensive forest- related activities on adaily basis, but low level of their engagement in decision-making processes. Forest management tasksare highly gendered, with women performing the majority of the unpaid tasks; men dominate almost allkey forest management-related decision-making processes.

2) Women’s workloads within and outside the household is high and ‘time poverty’ is a critical issue.Their traditional roles as family care givers and food producers are unpaid and under-valued, and takeup most of women’s time and energy. Firewood remains a major source of energy for cooking.

3) Women’s access to resources that reinforce their unpaid traditional roles is high, while it is low forresources that can improve their income, roles in decision-making and status in society. Socially,economically, and politically advantaged women benefit more than other women from forest activities;women from socially and economically marginalized groups such as Dalits, Botes, Mahjhis, andMushars have very little access and influence over community decision-making processes andresources.

4) The existence of several layers of powerful and exclusive leadership mechanisms at district andlocal levels poses a threat to the effective implementation of REDD+ and the ERP.

5) A lack of GESI implementation guidelines, systematic structures, resources, skills, at central, districtand community levels has made the implementation of the GESI Strategy within forest-relatedprograms challenging. There is limited or no expertise, budgets or implementation guidelines withinforest agencies. There is still a low percentage of female professional staff, and the GESI Focal Points do not have formal responsibilities or receive training or incentives.

6) Existing organizational structures both at central and local levels have limited the space for GESIresponsivedecision-making processes or innovation. Progressive decision-makers and staff who wantto bring change are dominated and influenced by those who are less supportive of GESI policies andpractices.

7) There is a need for changes in organizational cultures and attitudes to accept women asprofessionals and leaders.

A Gender Action Plan provides indicators and activities within the six categories of activitiesof the ERPD, based on these key findings, to achieve gender integration in Nepal’s REDD+and Emissions Reductions Program.

Read the full report:

Watch the assessment video:Women: Undervalued Stewards of the Forests