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Trainers from IFAD Funded Project Conducted the Training on Integrating Gender into Organizational P…

Ahmed Riyaz, Noora Jaleel, Senior Project Officer of MOFA and Aminath Aroosha, Senior Quarantine Officer of MOFA, who were trained by WOCAN for the IFAD funded Capacity Building for Women’s Leadership in Farmers’ Producer Organizations in Asia and the Pacific Region project, facilitated the training on Capacity Building for Gender Integration in Organizations’ Planning on 22-23 October in Male, Maldives. Ahmed Riyaz led the training for the 20 (16 women and 4 men) participants representing various government ministries. The training was organized in cooperation with the Civil Service Training Institution (CSTI).The objective of the training was to provide an understanding of the key concepts on planning, incorporating organization assessment and gender perspective in the different steps of planning. The three day training introduced concepts of planning, followed by group activities and leading to development of action plan.