Board of Directors & Advisors


Dr. Patricia (Patti) Kristjanson

Gender and Agricultural Landscapes Consultant, USA

Nisha Singh

Gender-Smart Climate Finance Consultant, USA

Brad Rock, Legal Counsel

Partner, DLA Piper LLP, USA

Tanushree Bagh Mukherjee

Chief Development Officer of Green Star Royalties, Canada


Dr. Eija Pehu

Science Advisor at World Bank, Finland

Lee West

Co-Founder of EcoAnalytics LLC and Co-Founder

Amanda Ellis

Advisor, Director of Global Partnerships at ASU Wrigley Global Futures

Denise Chak

Marketing & Communication Expert

Former Board Members

Sue Phillips

Board Chairperson, Founder of Social Development Direct and Gender Tech Enterprises

Kaylene Alvarez

Founder, Athena Global USA

Evelyn Bata

Executive Board Member of the of the Adaptation Benefits Mechanism (ABM) of the African Development Bank, Rwanda, Canada

Dr. Mary Mbura Njenga

Bioenergy Research Scientist at World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Kenya

Chris Grieve

Executive Director of Meridian Prime Ltd & EDGE Certificate Foundation

Kanchan Lama

Gender Equality and Inclusion Specialist, Nepal

Karen Frost

CPA, Senior Director of Operations, Public Health Institute

Martha Hirpa

Senior Director, Food Security and Nutrition, Heifer International

Kimberly Ann Easson

Vice President of Strategic Partnership and Gender Program Advisory, Coffee Quality Institute

Lorena Aguilar

Gender Advisor, IUCN

Clare Fleming

Strategic Communications Consultant, African Development Bank

Margaret Bruce

Principal and Owner of Manzanita Consulting, USA

Winston Rudder

Sub-Regional Representative for the Caribean, FAO

Candice Eggerss

Partner of Firelake Capital Management

Thelma Paris

Gender Advisor, IRRI, CGIAR

Alice Kaudia

Regional Director, Eastern Africa, IUCN

Vera P. Weill Hallé, Chair

Director of Donor Relations at PANGEA, Pan Euro-African Bio Energy Group, Brussels

Eve Crowley

Deputy Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean. FAO

Sarah Tisch, PhD

Managing Director, Asia Division, Chemonics International

Mark Blackden

Gender and Development Consultant

Annina Lubbock

Senior Advisor, Gender and Poverty Targeting, IFAD

Isatou Jack, PhD

Director, Sustainable Food and Agriculture Systems, International Relief and Development

Jacqueline Ashby, PhD

Senior Advisor in Gender, CIAT CGIAR

Barbara Shaw

Gender Advisor, CIDA

Yianna Lambrou

Senior Officer, FAO

Founding Members

Marilee Karl

Co-Founder Isis International

Stella Bitende

Country Director, Heifer International

Rosalud de la Rosa

Senior Consulant, FAO

Mardi McGregor

Catherine Hill

Dr. Friede Youmba-Batana