Program Manager, Climate Adaptation Finance for Women's Empowerment & W+ Standard Coordinator
Program Manager, Climate Adaptation Finance for Women's Empowerment & W+ Standard Coordinator
Program Manager & W+ Standard Coordinator
Larissa Dominguez is a gender specialist with extensive experience in governance of natural resources, rural development and public policy. She has provided technical support and capacity development for stakeholders ranging from government officials to grassroots organizations and women’s groups. She is currently the focal point for the implementation of Pillar 3 – gender equality in family farming – of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming in FAO. Larissa was trained in the W+ Standard process on site in Kenya in 2022. She holds a BS in International Relations from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México in Mexico and a MSc with Honours in Social Development with a focus on Gender and Climate Change from the University of New South Wales in Australia. Larissa lives in Rome, Italy and Mexico City.
W+ Lead Trainer
WOCAN Lead Trainer
As an anthropologist with training in ecological anthropology, Barun Gurung has worked extensively with ethnic communities in the Himalayan region of Northeast India, Bhutan, Nepal and the Yunnan province of China, studying their indigenous knowledge of subsistence crops and medicinal herbs. This resulted in the establishment of a network of local researchers and development professionals in the eastern Himalayan region working on biodiversity, ethnicity ad gender issues. As the coordinator of the Consultative Group on International Agriculture’s (CGIAR) system wide program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, Dr. Gurung’s research attention and focus has been on trying to better understand how learning and change can be affected for mainstreaming gender-sensitive participatory approaches within research institutions that work on agriculture and natural resource management. As part of the CGIAR initiative, he led a team of researchers and trainers to provide capacity development for organizational research and implementation of change strategies in selected CGIAR centers, eight National Agricultural Research Centers of East and Central Africa, and five agriculture and natural resource management organizations in the Eastern Himalayan Region and Laos. He works as one of the Core Associates for WOCAN and has recently led gender training workshops for the Rural Women’s Leadership project in Nepal and the Philippines. Dr. Gurung holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Hawaii and speaks English, Urdu, Hindi, Nepali, Tibetan and Dzhongkha.
Founder & Executive Director of WOCAN
Founder & Executive Director of WOCAN
Executive Director
Jeannette is a forester and gender and development expert whose career has focused on leading organizational change for gender equality within agriculture and natural resource management organizations in Asia and Africa. She is founder and director of Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), a global network to support advocacy and capacity building for women’s leadership and women’s empowerment through partnering women farmers with women professionals and decision makers, and through building men’s support. Jeannette is the innovator and team leader for the W+ Standard ™ program within WOCAN to quantify and verify benefits to women, through the use of a results-based financing approach.
Jeannette has a MSc in forestry from the University of Washington, and a PhD in Gender and Development from the University of East Anglia (UK) with a focus on organizational development and change for gender equality. She has expertise in training/capacity building, action research, gender and organizational analysis, policy advocacy and network building, and has published numerous articles and books. She has served as Gender Expert of the Program Advisory Committee of the CGIAR Participatory Research and Gender Analysis Program, Team Leader for the Asian Development Bank project Harnessing Climate Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women, is Co-Leader of the Steering Committee of The Forest Dialogue an Advisor to the Gold Standard Climate Smart Agriculture Panel and a member of the Fair Trade Carbon Expert Group.
Indu has over 15 years of extensive experience in data science. He has worked with various international organizations such as Save the Children, Mercy Corps Nepal, IFPRI, HKI, ITAD UK, TANGO USA, and others. He has advanced proficiency in R programming, where he excel in tasks such as data cleaning, visualization, and machine learning. Further expertise extends to SQL, R, STATA, JMP, and the adept utilization of Tidyverse R libraries. Indu has demonstrated excellence in managing extensive datasets and applying sophisticated predictive modeling techniques. Indu has supported the data analysis of various W+ projects globally.
Dibya has a MSc in biological sciences from Tribhuwan University in Nepal. She has more than twenty years of experience in gender, rural development and natural resources management, ranging from grassroots to policy planning levels. She has worked for and trained several national and international organizations and closely worked with the government of Nepal. She is the Coordinator of WOCAN in Nepal.
Danièle is a researcher, agronomist and has 25 years experiences in research and development and action research in Madagascar. Since 2004, she has been involved in the process of gender mainstreaming in her institution , the National Research Center Applied for Rural Development where she is the gender focal point. She participated as main investigator or researcher in different projects related to rural women’s leadership and women access to natural resources, funded by national and international institutions such as IDRC, IFAD. A member of WOCAN since 2010, she facilitated or co facilitated different training workshops on rural women’s leadership and gender analysis.
Cécile has a Master’s degree in Social Forestry from the Wageningen Agricultural University in The Netherlands. Cécile is a highly experienced Development Agent who mainly devoted her work on mainstreaming gender into development: training, advocacy, scoping, planning and evaluation. Cécile has been a Trainer of Trainers for more than 15 years. She is also the National Coordinator of a national NGO in Cameroon and the President of a women’s network composed of 14 African country members engaged in forestry, REFACOF.