Donors and Clients

The Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok

WOCAN has won the tender from the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok for the Regional Gender Equality Support in Asia to assist in ensuring that gender equality is being adequately taken into account in the preparation and implementation of programmes and projects supported by the Swedish regional development cooperation in Asia.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

WOCAN has received a grant from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to apply the W+ Standard to measure the impacts of  two UNCDF (UN Capital Development Fund) investments under its SHIFT Programme for Financial Inclusion, and to provide evidence to encourage other private sector investments and policy reform to focus on women. These two projects will be related to clean energy and women’s entrepreneurship development.


Hivos contracted WOCAN to develop and field test an additional W+ Domain through consultation with Hivos project staff/partners and women groups and to develop the W+ Project Design Document (PDD) for two Hivos projects- a biogas project in Indonesia and cook stove project in Honduras.

The World Bank Group

The World Bank Group contracted WOCAN to conduct a desk reseach on ‘Gender Aspects of the Rice Sector in the Greater Mekong Region’. The objective of this assignment is to provide an overview of gender dimensions of the rice sector in the Greater Mekong region specifically in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, as part of the Greater Mekong Rice Sector Development for Poverty Reduction (P152624) Project.

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) provides WOCAN with core support from 2011-2014. It has also supported travel for WOCAN members and women farmers to attend global events for food security, climate change and REDD+.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) provided core support to WOCAN’s operations and programs for 2006-2007, and several grants to implement pilot projects to strengthen women’s leadership with WOCAN partners in Africa and Asia. It currently supports “Capacity Building for Women’s Leadership in Farmer Producer Organizations in the Asia and the Pacific Region” in Lao PDR, the Maldives and Sri Lanka in 2012-2014.

Stockholm Environment Institute

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) through the Sida-SEI Strategic Fund for Regional Asia Environment Conference Support Programme, is funding the Regional Dialogue on Women’s Inclusion in Landscape Management in Asia. The Dialogue is organized in collaboration with The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) and The Forest Dialogue. The dialogue will present varying perspectives of members of civll society, the private sector, governments, international agencies and communities on the challenges and good practices of including women in landscape-related decisions, interventions and investments to achieve sustainable management of land. This dialogue will provide a platform for stimulating discussions and knowledge-sharing, and will be an opportunity to learn of concrete ways in which to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment within land-use related sectors and industries as well as inform regional and global debates about the future role and value of forests in relation to food, fuel, and fiber.

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) supported WOCAN to conduct a feasibility assessment of the W+ framework under the EU Switch funded Improved Cook stove Programme (ICS) in Lao PDR. The purpose of this assessment is to validate the level of viability of the W+ in the context of the ICS programme, with the goal to develop financial opportunities that would facilitate the continuation of the ICS programme after 2016. The objective is to assess the viability of W+ for the ICS programme in Laos, its projected impact and potential gains; to showcase results to a wider international audience and to use this as case to advocate for the inclusion of co-benefits in (donor) investments decision making processes.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has supported the implementation of a project, Preparation of an Integrated Learning Tool on Participation and Negotiation Targeting Rural Women and Girls based on SEAGA and PNTD Approaches. Currently FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA) is partnering with WOCAN to organize two workshops:  “Gender and Climate-Smart Agriculture in ASEAN” and “Regional Meeting to Promote Gender Equity for Achieving Food and Nutrition Security in Asia”.

The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries

The UN-REDD Programme partnered with WOCAN to conduct research and organize regional workshops for “Women’s Inclusion in REDD+ Policies and Measures: Beyond Barriers to Opportunities”. The objectives of the joint initiative is to further examine specific challenges and barriers that prevent the inclusion of women and the integration of gender perspectives in REDD+ in Asia-Pacific, identify practical entry points, analyze existing good practices and share knowledge  through multi-sectoral and stakeholder dialogues for the replication of successful outcomes.

Heifer International

Heifer International supported the first Regional Meeting of WOCAN Members, held for members from West/Central and Southern/Eastern Africa in Cameroon in December 2006. Heifer’s Gender Equity Initiative supported a two year partnership for capacity building and advocacy in Africa, and the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders in Agriculture.

The International Development Research Centre

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has provided funding to WOCAN and to the Program for Participatory Research and Gender Analysis of the Consultative Group for Agricultural Research (CGIAR) to jointly implement a project, Institutionalizing Gender-responsive Research and Development in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management through Women’s Networks from 2005-2008.

The New Field Foundation

The New Field Foundation supported the first Regional Meeting of WOCAN Members, held for members from West/Central and Southern/Eastern Africa in Cameroon in December 2006, and supported WOCAN’s West and Central Africa office in Cameroon until 2011.