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Day One: 24 July 2013

Plenary Session

– Welcome remarks by Ms Shireen Lateef, Senior Adviser (Gender), Asian Development Bank

– Remarks by Ms Jeannette Gurung, Executive Director, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)

– Remarks by Mr Hiroyuki Konuma, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

– Opening statement by H.E. Yukol Limlamthong, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand

Keynote speech:

Key gender, food and nutrition security issues in the Asia-Pacific region (including comparative perspective on the global front)
Dr Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

Session 1: Sharing experiences on gender, food security and nutrition in the region/sub-region in intervention

– Presentation by Ms Lourdes Adriano, ADB
– Presentation by Dr Kraisit Tontisirin, Senior Advisor, National Food Committee, Thailand
– Statement by H.E. Dato’ Tajuddin Bin Abdul Rahman, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry, Malaysia
– Discussion of root cause of gender inequality, malnutrition and food insecurity /Q and A

Session 2: Strategic efforts and Regional Coordination in the Asia-Pacific region

– Presentation by Dr. Suriyan Vichitlekarn, Manager of GMS Agriculture Working Group Secretariat and former Head of Agriculture, ASEAN Secretariat
– Remarks by Ms Seema Naidu, Gender issue Officer, PIFS
Launch of ADB & FAO Publication — Gender Equality and Food Security — Women’s Empowerment as a Tool against Hunger & Media briefing

Resource Persons

– Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapportuer
– Hiroyuki Konuma, FAO

– Launch, Lourdes Adriano, ADB

Session 3: Break-out group session on good practices and lessons learned from country experiences

– Break-out Group 1: Rural poverty and linkages to social and gender-based disparities
(Facilitator: Ms Karin Schelzig, Senior Social Sector Specialist, ADB/ Rapporteur:TBC)

– Break-out Group 2 : Gender and nutrition linkages for food security, economic and social wellbeing (Facilitator: Ms Nomindelger Bayaslaganbat, Nutrition officer, FAO/ Rapporteur:TBC)

– Break-out Group 3: Gaps and needs for gender-specific evidence and data on food and nutrition security (Facilitator: Mr Seevalingum Ramasawmy, FAO/ Rapporteur:TBC)

Plenary discussion on lesson learned from past and on-going experiences – Break-out presentations and discussion(Chair: WOCAN Rapporteur:TBC)