COP28: Measuring and Monetizing Women’s Empowerment within Climate Investments 

Blue Zone, COP28 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Session Objectives: As the W+ Standard increasingly proves to be a solution to gender-responsive climate finance, various partners are emerging to collaborate with WOCAN and utilize the W+ Standard. In this session, panelists representing these organizations within the W+ Standard ecosystem: Investors Climate project developers Carbon credit generators and traders Women’s organizations managing community projects […]

COP28: Women’s Participation in Climate Action and Sustainable Development: Bridging Gender Equality and Climate Solutions

Dubai Expo Pavilion, COP28 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jennette will be speaking at the UN Global Compact's panel discussion which will take place at the Dubai Expo Pavilion within the Green Zone at COP28 on 4 December 2023. This session will explore the nexus of climate change and gender equality, a basic human right. Fulfilling this right is the best chance we have in […]

COP28: Advancing Gender-Responsive Climate Finance in Africa

MDB Pavilion, COP28 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jeannette will be on the panel during the African Development Bank Group's COP28 Gender day session. The side-event is designed to address the critical need for gender-responsive climate finance in transition countries and emerging economies. The complexities of transitions require innovative financial approaches that are not only adaptive but also inclusive of the unique challenges […]

Fostering Change: Online Dialogue on how to improve gender considerations within the VCM

Recognizing the gender gaps and women’s under-representation in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) and the positive impact a gender approach can bring to such work, the UN-REDD Programme is organizing this online dialogue to share awareness, build capacity and identify options to enhance gender mainstreaming within the VCM arena. Jeannette and Sue will be speaking […]