Asia Pacific Workshop on Women’s Inclusion for Sustainable Forests and Climate

Meeting Hall Bangkok, Thailand, Nepal

WOCAN leverages leadership training to influence change in institutions by building capacities of change agents who guide the process from within. Our leadership initiatives increase women’s access to and control over resources.

Regional Dialogue Women’s Inclusion in Landscape Management in Asia

Meeting Hall Bangkok, Thailand, Nepal

More than 40 representatives from communities, govt, NGOs, UN and donor agencies came together to explore best practices and the way forward at the ‘Regional Dialogue on Women’s Inclusion in Landscape Management in Asia’ held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 7-9 October 2014.

Reframing Leadership for Women and Men for Gender Equality Course in Bangkok, Thailand

Meeting Hall Bangkok, Thailand, Nepal

More than 40 representatives from communities, govt, NGOs, UN and donor agencies came together to explore best practices and the way forward at the ‘Regional Dialogue on Women’s Inclusion in Landscape Management in Asia’ held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 7-9 October 2014.