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ADB’s Regional Seminar on Gender Equality in Climate Change and Disasters Management

Jeannette spoke at the Asian Development Bank Regional Seminar on Gender Equality in Climate Change and Disasters Management: Weathering an Uncertain Future, to share WOCAN’s experiences in a session on Perspectives from Global/Regional Alliance, Research and Advocacy Organisations on Gender and Climate Change. She also delivered a training session on the W+ Standard to 20 seminar participants interested in learning how to apply the W+ Standard.

Jeannette and Haddy Sey, Senior Social Development Specialist for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF World Bank), coordinating social inclusion and sustainability in REDD+ in East Asia and the Pacific, led a discussion on Gender Integration in REDD+ at the Green Climate Fund.

Jeannette also present the W+ Standard and its use to measure and quantify women’s empowerment results within climate mitigation and adaptation projects.