Climate Finance Network Inception Workshop

Jeannette was the keynote speaker for the session on Gender and Social Inclusion during the second day of the inception workshop on 23 March 2022. The key objectives of the session were to:

  • Present and discuss the rationale and imperative of integrating gender equality and social inclusion in climate finance
  • Present and discuss country experiences and approaches for better prioritization and scaling up of climate finance that have traceable social inclusion and gender equality impact, including integrating various tools in budgetary systems and processes
  • Identify entry points for work planning, coordination and alignment with other work streams as well as partnerships for CFN

Jeannette gave a brief rationale for including gender in climate finance and highlighted how various climate finance mechanisms have adopted gender policies. She also discussed the importance of public climate finance to deliver on their gender commitments. Jeannette emphasized that measurements of impact is critical and even for women’s empowerment, mechanisms such as W+ Standard exists which can assist in the  impact measurements of climate finance.