COP26: PCCB Focus Area Day | 3rd Capacity-building Hub

Jeannette shared how WOCAN has developed linkages between the gender networks and climate change networks. She discussed how WOCAN uses advocacy, awareness and concrete examples to show the linkages between gender and climate change.

Moderator: Riddhi Dutta, UNFCCC


  • Daniel Morchain, National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network
  • Jevanic Henry, Commonwealth Secretariat (COMSEC)
  • Liva Kaugure, Food and Agriculture Organization-Enhanced Transparency Framework (FAO-ETF)
  • Jeannette Gurung, WOCAN
  • Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change-Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (UNFCCC-LCIPP)


  • To showcase the role of networks in climate-related capacity-building;
  • To explore how networks can be mobilized to build capacities to facilitate the coherent implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and
  • To provide a platform for PCCB Network members to share their experiences and best practices surrounding collective capacities, networks, and how those networks enhance climate action.