EmPower-Women for Climate Resilient Societies

Nisha Onta attended the steering committee meeting for the project ‘EmPower: Women for Climate Resilient Societies’ (2018-2022) which is a regional project implemented by UN Women in partnership with UN Environment and financed by SIDA. The project aims to address key drivers of gender-based vulnerability and enhance human rights through mainstreaming gender and human rights concerns in climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR) actions in Asia and the Pacific. It works in five focus areas:

Voice and leadership:
Data for policymaking:
Gender responsible policies:
Renewable energy for resilient livelihoods:
Regional engagement:
This project is implemented in three focus countries – Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam.

The objective of this meeting was to:

  • Approve the TOR for the Steering Committee
  • Get an update of the inception phase activities
  • Approve the annual work plan, communication strategy and M&E strategy