FSC Sustainable Intensification Solutions Forum (SISF)

Dibya Gurung, WOCAN Core Associate, presented ‘Why Gender matters in Forest Intensification’ at the SISF on 24 June in Bonn, Germany. There were 38 participants from 27 different organizations – representing academia, research organizations, NGOs, private sectors and board members and staffs from FSC. The main objective of this forum was to understand elements of sustainable intensification in forestry, to prepare for the FSC General Assembly in 2020. Several presentations were made by experts on efficient forest techniques; roles of planted forests, lessons from new generation plantations, securing Just intensification, indigenous land tenure and employment in intensifying forestry; forest intensification and gender; risks and safeguards in forest intensification; landscape approaches, intensification in forestry and in UN-SDGs in tropical forests; Future Forests and social environmental values; relevance in landscape and biodiversity.