Gender and Organizational Development Workshop for the Cambodian Centre for Independent Media (CCIM)…

Barung Gurung and Nisha Onta facilitated the workshop through the Embassy of Sweden’s Regional Gender Facility on 8-10 July 2019 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. CCIM is one of the partners of Fojo Media Institute. Through its Southeast Asia Media Training Network (SEA MTN) Project, the Fojo Media Institute has analyzed the gender-in-media landscape in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam and developed a practical roadmap in collaboration with their partners to address issues like harassment of women working in media or strengthening journalism curricula to ensure they have a gender lens. In order to provide support to their partners to conduct an institutional gender assessment, Fojo requested the Embassy of Sweden’s Regional Gender Support Facility to facilitate a gender and organizational development workshop for their partner, the Cambodian Centre for Independent Media (CCIM).

The overall objective of the workshop was to enhance the collective capacity of the CCIM by examining the institution’s policies, programs and activities from a gender perspective and identify strengths and weaknesses in promoting gender equality. The workshop also included the development of an M&E system that will monitor and assess the relative progress made in gender mainstreaming and build organizational ownership for gender equality initiatives and sharpens organizational learning on gender.

The 20 participants (11 men and 8 women) who were program coordinators, operations and production staff, and M&E and communication team members conducted the gender analysis ofCCIM’s policies, programs and activities. In three days the participants discussed gender stereotypes, implicit bias and developed outcomes, indicators and activities under these four categories:

  1. What leadership must do?
  2. Accountability
  3. Technical capacity
  4. Organizational culture