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Inception Meeting for the Gender Integration in REDD+ Program in Nepal for the Forest Carbon Partner…

WOCAN and REDD+ IC (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Implementation Centre) organized the inception meeting on 23 January in Kathmandu, Nepal. There were a total of 31 participants (21 women and 10 men) representing Forestry and REDD related Government Ministries and Departments, NGOs, INGOs and Civil Society. The objective of the meeting was to share the background of the project and get feedback and input on the overall framework and methodology for the gender assessment of the Government of Nepal’s REDD+ Emission Reduction (ER) Program.

The meeting was Chaired by Sindhu P Dhungana, Director of REDD IC, and facilitated by Dibya Gurung, WOCAN Core Associate and Jeannette Gurung. The meeting started with a welcome address by Shrijana Shrestha and the introduction of participants. Dr. Sindhu Dhungana welcomed the participants and gave a brief introduction about REDD and REDD+ in the context of Nepal, Carbon Market as well as the ERPD Document that was recently completed by the Government of Nepal.

Dhungana’s address was followed by Jeannette Gurung’s presentation on the context and the objective of the gender assessment along with the overall framework and the methodology for the assesssment. Dibya Gurung also presented the tentative timeline and proposed districts for the field research. The participants gave feedback on the scope and the methodology of the assessment.