WOCAN Board Chair Leads Info Session: Gender and Carbon Markets in Africa

Sue Phillips, Chairperson of WOCAN’s Board of Directors and the Director of Gender Tech, and Gender Adviser to the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets, led a two-day information session, organized by the Department of Gender Women and Civil Society of the African Development Bank.

The objective of the session were

  • To introduce participants to carbon markets as an instrument of climate finance, their use and relevance in the African context;
  • To introduce participants to the relevance of gender equality and women’s empowerment to carbon markets in the African context.
  • To explore the opportunities offered by rapidly growing carbon markets in Africa for delivery of the Bank’s gender equality, climate change and green growth policies.
  • To familiarise participants with resources available to support integration of gender equality into African carbon markets
  • To demonstrate, through case study examples, the opportunities for integrating the Bank’s gender equality objectives into carbon credit-eligible mitigation and adaptation investments and programmes
  • To introduce participants to leading gender methodologies and tools used in carbon markets
  • To familiarise participants with the strengths and weaknesses of leading carbon crediting programmes from a gender equality perspective

Jeannette presented the W+ Standard during the Tools and Best Practices session of this webinar. She highlighted how the application of the W+ Standard:

  • Incentivizes actions for women’s empowerment projects and supply chains
  • Measures, quantifies and monetizes women’s empowerment
  • Channels funds directly to women’s groups