Innovation Station Podcast: Jeannette discusses the W+ Standard

The Innovation Station, an initiative of the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI) at the U.S. Department of State, provides a platform for woman and girl innovators to share their translatable solutions to climate-related community challenges.
Podcast episodes are derived from audio recordings of S/GWI’s Innovation Station virtual event series

In this episode: Karina Campos (NILUS), Helena Williams (The Walls Project), and Jeannette Gurung (WOCAN) share their community-based strategies for improving local food security. This discussion was recorded during the “Innovations in Food Security” session of S/GWI’s virtual event, The Innovation Station: Gulf Coast, on July 15, 2021, and is moderated by Dr. Aubrey Paris, S/GWI Policy Advisor.

(The views expressed in this episode are those of the featured innovators and do not necessarily reflect the views of S/GWI, the Department of State, or the U.S. Government.)

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