The People-Centered Accelerator was officially launched on Nov. 14th at COP 23 with Rachel Kyte, Chief Executive Officer of SEforALL, and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All. The Accelerator aims to enhance clean energy access for the poorest people, who will not be reached by business as usual approaches; by unlocking finance from private and public sources, strengthening collaboration and connections between stakeholders in the energy, gender and social justice sectors and increasing women’s full participation in sustainable energy solutions.. A side event followed on Nov. 15th to present in more details the work that is already happening to advance the goals of the Accelerator and next steps. Susan Gibbs from the Wallace Global Fund presented a report titled ‘Opening doors: mapping the landscape for sustainable energy, gender diversity & social inclusion‘, which captures data from 174 organizations, programs, and policy instruments that are already engaged in gender equality, social inclusion, and women’s empowerment at the intersection with sustainable energy and climate change. The objective is to continue collecting initiatives and start a living database. WOCAN is a member of the People-Center Accelerator and will be contributing to some of the upcoming work of the Accelerator.