Regional Think-shop on Economic Analysis and Costing of Gender-sensitive Climate Action

Jeannette Gurung and Nisha Onta attended this ‘thikshop’ organized by UNWomenand UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub to explore what options there areto develop a costing research study (potentially using cost-benefit analysis methods) on the inclusion of gender equality issues in climate change action. The two-day event included 33 international expertsfrom the fields of gender, economics and climate change.The thinkshop included sharing of knowledge and understanding of the benefits and limitations of using economic models to cost gender equality issues in climate change action and increased the understanding of the potential economic model for a future study and explore the available data in the Asia Pacific region that could support a study of this kind.

Jeannette presented the W+ Standard as a result-based mechanism to measure women’s empowerment and informed UNWOMEN to purchase W+ units alongside its carbon offset purchases for travel.

The objectives of the thinkshop were:

  • Exchange of knowledge and information on how gender equality can be measured in climate change action from an economic perspective based on accumulated experience and lessons learnt in the region;
  • Suggestions for methodological improvements to the Climate Change Benefit Analysis (CCBA) and Climate Change Appraisal Guidelines based on the lessons learnt on application of CCBA in select countries from a gender perspective;
  • Identification of research question(s) for a new costing study on the gender dimensions of climate action; and,
  • Options and agreement on which costing method/economic model would be feasible for a new research study.