South Asia Impact Capital Festival 2021: Gender Responsive Investments for Effective Climate Finance

Nisha Onta discussed the application of the W+ Standard as a transparent impact measurement tool for gender responsive climate investment during the AVPN’s South Asia Impact Capital Festival 2021 on 16 Feb 2021. The session also showcased one of our partners Lucky Dissanayake Founder of Serendib Assets and the Biomass Group. Lucky is one of the few woman carbon project developers and is planning to apply the W+ Standard in her carbon project in Sri Lanka. The other panelists Richie Ahuja, Senior Director, Global Climate at Environmental Defense Fund, and Sandeep Choudhury, Co-Founder at VNV Advisory Services also shared examples of carbon projects in South Asia where their projects directly benefit women. Nisha emphasized the panelists and audience to go beyond reporting case studies and measure the impact of their innovative finances in the lives of women.