We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the W+ Standard Online Course.
Learn about the only women-specific standard that measures empowerment in a transparent and measurable manner within projects and supply chains. Discover how the W+ Standard gives monetary value to results and creates a new channel to direct financial resources to women through a market-based mechanism that recognizes and rewards women’s contributions to economies, environments and local communities.
The online course was developed by WOCAN with the support of the World Bank PROGREEN program.
What will you get out of the course?
- An in-depth understanding of the W+ Standard.
- An overview of the steps and materials for the application of the Standard
- A unique opportunity to learn directly from WOCAN’s W+ expert trainers.

Discount available for WOCAN members!
WOCAN members get $80 OFF. If you’re already a member, please email us at info@wocan.org to redeem your discount.
Not yet a member? Click here to become one and get your discount!