W+ Guidance Document 2.0 is Open for Public Consultation

W+ Program Guide – Version 2. 0 has updates on the W+ Program Guide document to ensure the W+ Standard is up to date, assuring its integrity and readiness for more uptake.

The W+ Standard is seeking comments on the W+ Program Guide 2.0 until 15 August 2023.

To respond to the questions and submit your feedback, please click here

The updated W+ Program Guide 2.0 includes the following changes:

1. Guidance on W+ Certified VCUs and projects registered under other GHG standards

  • Percent of VCUs that can be “labeled” with W+ to be determined based on % of women stakeholders impacted by activities
  • The total number of women stakeholders in the project will be reported during the PIN and PDD stages and will need to be monitored during each verification.
  • % of VCUs labelled with W+= Number of women beneficiaries impacted divided by the Number of total women beneficiaries in the project

2. Additional evidence: Inclusion of Women’s Empowerment Plan (WEP) to show evidence of Intentionality. This should a minimum of at least any two of the following:

  • gender policy
  • targeted budget for gender/WE
  • M&E indicators for gender/WE
  • level of internal capacity for gender/women’s empowerment

3. Clarity on validation and verification

  • The validation of the Project Design Document (PDD) aims to ensure that the on-ground implementation of the project adheres to the W+ Standard. It is undertaken by an independent gender expert (TEG), approved by the W+ Standard.
  • After the application of W+ Standard, project results are independently verified by an accredited Verifier
  • New templates for Verification, etc. that are being referenced in the new guidance document
  • After the Public Consultation period, there may be additional changes to the Guidance Document and to the W+ Standard.

W+ Guidance Document 2.0