Nisha Onta, Knowledge Management Coordinator, attended the Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar in preparation for the CSW 60th session: ‘Transformative financing for the achievement of the gender equality by 2030’ held from 18 to 19 Feb in UNCC Bangkok. This inter-governmental Seminar was organized in ESCAP, in partnership with UNDP and UNWomen.
The seminar started with the overview of Asia-Pacific macroeconomics context with critical reflection on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and discussing on lessons from MDGs and how to align various financial flows and develop Integrated National Financing Framework which focuses on gender equality. Discussions also focused on the transparency, accountability and participation in national level financial mechanism. Donor agencies and private sector representatives also featured their initiatives for women’s empowerment.
The key discussions focused on lack of data on determining how much national finance is spent on gender equality, the need for gender responsive domestic resource mobilization and declining importance of ODA as a proportion of development finance.