WOCAN Training of Trainers for ICIMOD Staff and Partners

Barun Gurung, WOCAN Lead Trainer, and Nisha Onta, Regional Coordinator for Asia, facilitated the Training of Trainer (ToT) for ICIMOD Staff and partners from Afghanistan, India, Myanmar and China on 17-21 June in Kathmandu, Nepal. This ToT was supported by the Embasy of Sweden in Bangkok through the Regional Gender Facility. Through this facility WOCAN has facilitated two workshops for ICIMOD, one was to build an enabling environment to support gender integration which was targeted to senior managers, while the second was on methods and tools for gender analysis and gender-integrated planning at the project/program level targeted to project implementation staff. One of the key lessons learned from these workshops was the need for capacity development of the gender team of ICIMOD and selected staff of partner organization, to be able to provide such support in an on-going basis.

Therefore this ToT focused on building the skills of the participants for effective facilitation and communication for training and designing training courses on gender. The 5-day workshop included:
Day 1: Self awareness as key to training
Day 2: Key concepts and steps in Gender-integrated Planning
Day 3: Training concepts and tools for facilitation and design of training courses
Day 4: Practice of training tools
Day 5: Reflections on practices