A Study of Agribusiness Companies’ Engagement in Women’s Empowerment

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are being viewed by companies as a guide to design, measure and account for their contribution to sustainable development. Many companies are expressing interest in addressing SDG Goal #5, for gender equality and women’s empowerment; WOCAN undertook this research to identify the drivers and mechanisms agribusiness companies are using to address women’s empowerment and gender equality goals. The desk research and online survey conducted with both companies and women’s organizations highlighted gaps in the realization of these commitments; this report offers suggestions on ways to bridge these gaps, to build on the momentum within companies to understand women’s empowerment and gender equality as a prerequisite for sustainable supply chains and growth of markets. The findings indicate the importance for companies to maintain strategic partnerships with women’s organizations to effectively operationalize their gender goals and the need for a robust accountability measure to report their impact. 
