Building Forward: Creating a More Equitable, Gender-Just, Inclusive, and Sustainable World

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This report by CARE is meant to help governments, international decision-makers and private sector stakeholders determine where to begin when building forward in these three interconnected areas, and how to effect concrete and bold changes.

‘Building forward’ means taking a holistic approach to economic, humanitarian and environmental policies, as the three areas of women’s economic justice and rights, green and gender-just recovery, and humanitarian response reforms are inextricably intertwined.

Climate change is causing more humanitarian crises and eroding previous development gains; to respond, the humanitarian sector must adapt. Humanitarian assistance alone is not sufficient. Sustainable recovery from crises and transformative development cannot take place without strengthening women’s rights and opportunities, including in the economic sphere. Securing women’s and girls’ justice and rights is essential to securing their access to education and economic opportunities, and to building sustainable livelihoods to help them escape poverty.

To turn the tide and foster an equitable, gender-just and sustainable recovery, we must act now. 

Source: CARE