Building the Capacity for Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) to Improve the Climate Resilience of Women Farmers

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This report was commissioned as a product of the working partnership between Root Capital and Value for Women, with the support of the Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs and the International Development Research Center. The main objective of this partnership was to build evidence around innovations for gender inclusion within small- and medium-sized agricultural enterprises global.

The study found that Gender Equity Grants (GEG) participants saw improved on-farm practices between baseline and endline, and that participants were satisfied with the intervention process. The study also identified several business-level impacts of the GEG program at Finca Triunfo Verde, including the hiring of women in non-traditional roles, leadership’s increased awareness of women’s vulnerability, and the strengthening of institutional gender commitments. The GEGs provided women—often for the first time—an opportunity to participate in the decision-making processes at both cooperatives. However, the evaluation also made clear the significant limitations that gender and climate resilience projects face when seeking to support the most vulnerable women. Additional resources are required to reach women who face geographic, language, and cultural barriers. Agri-SGBs that have never worked on gender before, meanwhile, require extensive awareness- raising activities to secure leadership buy-in before investors support agricultural activities.

Source: Value For Women