Bulletin for “Capacity Building For Women’s Leadership In Farmer Producer Organisations In Asia And The Pacific Region” Jan-April2014

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The Bulletin highlights Jan-April 2014 activities of the Capacity Building for Women’s Leadership in Farmer Producer Organizations in Asia and the Pacific Region Project (Grant number 1347 WOCAN). This is a three year Technical Assistance Project (2012-2014). The purpose of this project is to assist the performance and impact of IFAD projects in Lao PDR, Maldives and Sri Lanka, through the provision of a focus on gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment. This is performed through capacity building efforts for partners and stakeholders within the enabling environment, to heighten leadership skills, in civil society and Government. The target group includes project stakeholders and representatives of beneficiaries in IFAD project areas.

The bulletin highlights:

  • Capacity Building Workshops on Women’s leadership Through Planning for Rural Organizational Development in Maldives and Srilanka
  • WOCAN & IFAD Nepal Facilitated the Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Learning Alliance Workshop