CEDAW General Recommendation No.37 on Gender-Related Dimensions of Disaster Risk Reduction in the Context of Climate Change

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In light of the significant challenges and opportunities for the realization of women’s human rights presented by climate change and disaster risk, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (the Committee), has decided to provide specific guidance to State parties on the implementation of obligations related to disaster risk reduction and climate change under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (the Convention). In its Concluding observations on State party reports and in several general recommendations, the Committee has underlined that States parties and other stakeholders have obligations to take concrete steps to address discrimination against women in the fields of disaster risk reduction and climate change through the adoption of targeted laws, policies, mitigation and adaptation strategies, budgets and other measures.

The objective of this general recommendation is to underscore the urgency of mitigating climate change and to highlight the steps that need to be taken to achieve gender equality as a factor that will reinforce the resilience of individuals and communities globally in the context of climate change and disasters. The general recommendation also seeks to contribute to coherence, accountability and the mutual reinforcement of different international agendas on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation by focusing on the impact of climate change and disasters on women’s human rights.