CEDAW’s General Recommendation on the Rights of Rural Women

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In this General Recommendation (GR), the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) clarifies State obligations to ensure the rights of rural women, with a focus on article 14 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (“the Convention”) which recognizes the unique situation of rural women and highlights specific obligations of States parties in recognizing, promoting and protecting their rights.

Article 14 is the only provision in an international human rights treaty which specifically pertains to rural women. However, all rights under the Convention apply to rural women, and article 14 must be interpreted in the context of the Convention as a whole. When reporting, States parties should address all articles that have bearing on the enjoyment of rights by rural women and girls. Accordingly, the present GR explores the links between article 14 and other Convention provisions. As many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) address the situation of rural women and provide an important opportunity to advance both process and outcome indicators, this GR specifically intends to guide States parties on the implementation of their obligations with respect to rural women. While the GR focuses on rural women in developing countries, some of its recommendations also pertain to the situation of rural women in developed countries. It is recognized that rural women, even in developed countries, suffer discrimination and challenges in various areas, including economic empowerment, participation in political and public life, access to services, and labor exploitation of rural migrant women workers.