Convention on Biological Diversity- Gender Action Plan 2015-2020

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The 2015-2020 Gender Plan of Action is part of a continuing response to global commitments that follows the recommendations of Parties to recognize the relevance of gender considerations to the achievement of the Convention’s objectives. The Plan’s four strategic objectives are to: (1) mainstream a gender perspective into the work of Parties and the Secretariat to implement the Convention; (2) promote gender equality in achieving the Convention objectives, the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets; (3) demonstrate the benefits of gender mainstreaming measures to achieve the Convention objectives; and (4) increase the effectiveness of work under the Convention. 

The Plan includes a framework of actions for the Secretariat to undertake, and possible actions for the Parties to carry out, including the integration of gender considerations into NBSAPs. Actions proposed in support of this outcome include: the review of draft NBSAPs by gender experts; the collection of gender-disaggregated data and/or gender-specific indicators in the development of national biodiversity targets; and the incorporation of national gender policies into NBSAPs. COP Decision XII/7 also emphasizes the need to build awareness of, and capacity to implement, the Gender Plan of Action, and requests Parties report on actions to implement it. Parties are encouraged to integrate gender into the development of national indicators and to build capacity to integrate biodiversity considerations into national gender policies and action plans.