Environment and Gender Index (EGI) Datasets

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The IUCN Global Gender Office has developed new Environment and Gender Index (EGI) datasets in preparation of UNFCCC COP21. 

  • EGI Brief: Gender & Mitigation Actions– Key data on gender in mitigation initiatives, a gender assessment of the intended nationally determined contributions (INDCS), and gender trends in nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAS) and low-emission development strategies (LEDS)
  • EGI Factsheet: Gender and Climate Finance – Key data on women’s participation in finance decision making, in finance ministries and climate finance mechanisms, and gender policies and action in climate finance mechanisms
  • EGI Infographic: Gender and R-PP – Key data on gender inclusion in 45 REDD+ Readiness Preparation Proposals (R-PPs)
  • EGI Factsheet: Women in Environmental Decision Making – Global dataset comprised of nine indicators that cover diverse facets of the environmental arena, including international climate change policy; climate finance; and the forestry, energy, and transportation sectors.
  • EGI Brief: Gender Focal Points and Policies in National Environmental Ministries – A dataset assessing how gender considerations are being included in environmental sector ministries, resulting from an EGI survey of ministry officials and other experts.

With some of the best data to date on how countries are realizing their commitments to environmental sustainability and women’s empowerment, the EGI found that countries which take seriously their commitments to advancing gender equality in environmental arenas are making strides toward long-term wellbeing for all their citizens. Since 2013, the EGI team has been expanding the EGI to a global dataset and developing more indicators to close the wide data gaps in this field. For more information about the EGI or other related data, please click here.