Funding Our Future: Resourcing the Feminist Movements Driving Climate Action

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Women’s funds around the world are already supporting and channelling resources to the feminist movements implementing robust, transformative and sustainable climate action. This brief sets out the case for funding feminist movements and organizations through climate finance and highlights women’s funds as a key partner and mechanism to realize this strategy.
It demonstrates how:

  • Many feminist organizations work effectively at the intersection of gender equality and climate justice
  • Feminist movements and organizations are driving action on climate adaptation and mitigation
  • The work of feminist movements is complex and gradual, though early, measurable results are being seen
  • While many funders are concerned about the ‘risks’ in supporting less traditional climate actors, there is greater risk in not funding the feminist movements driving transformative climate action
  • Feminist movements and organizations’ climate activities are scalable

Authors: Leah Moss and Hilary Clauson

Source: Equality Fund and Mama Cash

Citation: Equality Fund and Mama Cash (2023). Funding Our Future: Resourcing the Feminist Movements Driving Climate Action.Ottawa/Amsterdam.