Gender and Climate Finance Sourcebook: A Handbook for Building Partnerships

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The overarching purpose of this Sourcebook is to contribute to increasing the levels of funding as well as the diversity of funders and mechanisms that support both climate and gender equality goals. Specifically, the Sourcebook aims to encourage and enable new and innovative partnerships amongst actors within the climate finance and gender investing communities, by providing information about existing sources and funding mechanisms that support mandates and policies for gender-responsive climate initiatives. Given that this universe is still relatively small – but growing – the Sourcebook is intended to be a live document that is updated as new information and new funding sources become available.

It aims to provide a guide for both public and private sector organizations wishing to identify possible sources and partners for funding, co-investing, implementing and monitoring results. Funds are described on the basis of type, including information on who is eligible to receive funds, and the process of doing so. Tools that can promote more investments at the nexus of gender and climate are presented, as are case studies that demonstrate examples of innovative partnerships.