Gender Equality for Greener and Bluer Futures 

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This IUCN publication releases new data on the number of women leading environmental ministries, compared with previous data. It also reviews the case, highlighting select data, on
why gender equality and women’s empowerment are essential for global goals on achieving an inclusive and sustainable future.

Key messages

  • Gender equality and women’s empowerment in environmental work has been linked to improved economic outcomes such as greater national GDP, greater crop production, a fairer distribution of wealth and higher agricultural profit.
  • Gender equality in environmental decision-making and policy-making has been linked to better environment outcomes towards achieving a sustainable future; including better ecosystems conservation and protection outcomes, better national resilience outcomes, higher reduction of CO2 emissions, and a higher probability of ratifying environmental treaties.
  • Gender-blind policies lead to higher risks of women experiencing inequality, including gender-based violence – as well as environmental initiatives failing.

Source: IUCN