Gender in REDD+ A handbook for grassroots facilitators

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The main objective of this booklet is to support local trainers and facilitators, who already have a basic understanding of climate change and REDD+, by providing them with useful information on gender considerations for climate change and REDD+ related training and capacity development programs. This booklet is a product of RECOFTC’s regional project called, ‘Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, as well as Conservation and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks and Promoting Sustainable Management of Forests) in the Asia-Pacific Region.’

The goal of this handbook specifically, is to provide simplified information directly to the grassroots communities, on the current state of gender integration in climate change and REDD+ relevant policies, plans, programs, and practices, from local to international levels. Through wide dissemination, we aim to reduce the information gap between and among community level facilitators and national and regional
level policy makers, researchers, academics, and practitioners. The booklet will be distributed in Bahasa Indonesia, Lao, Nepali, Vietnamese and Burmese, in addition to English.