Integrating Gender into the R & D Cycle and the Organization

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A workshop on concepts and methods to integrate gender into the Research and Development (R&D) Cycle, and the Organization was jointly organized by the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) and Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (WOCAN) in Kunming, PRC. There were a total of 17 participants from ICRAF and the Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), and one trainer from WOCAN.

The objectives of the course was to make participants familiar with the concepts, methods and tools for integrating gender into the R&D cycle, and within the Organization. The course presented three modules: the first focused on creating awareness of gender as a social construct, followed by concepts, frameworks and tools for gender analysis in the field; the second module introduced participants to specific methods and concepts to integrate gender (data) into project design, planning, monitoring and evaluation and implementation; the third module presented an organizational framework to demonstrate why gender integration needs to go beyond the R&D cycle and consider the organization in order to produce effective and lasting results. This resulted in the development of an action plan for ICRAF to integrate gender into its organizational structure and culture.