Participatory Gender Training for Community Groups

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Any intervention in a village requires strong community support. This cannot be trained or tick marked, as it is not easily measurable. Underlying every community and household is constant change. Male out-migration changes women’s work load, their mobility and need to speak up for their family. However, their agency might be restricted by gendered norms. Social change, the change of norms, rules, and relations, is a long-term process. “Gender” cannot be trained as information or knowledge, as this would be prescriptive and counterproductive. Instead, this manual’s intention is meant to guide staff working in communities on starting an open dialogue with participants on their gender perceptions through pictures and group discussions. How can farmers work effectively in groups, both men and women being sensitive towards gendered restrictions? This training manual sensitizes both farmers and field staff for gender roles and relations, and helps inform, monitor and modify project interventions. Furthermore, methods can be used by researchers for a gender analysis. Most of all, farmers and staff can reflect around their capabilities, value systems and existing practices to make suitable contributions and become effective partners in intervention processes.

Authors: Stephanie Leder, Dipika Das, Andrew Reckers, and Emma Karki

Source: CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE)