Social Norms, Gender and Development: A Review of Research and Practice

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This paper provides a ‘state of the evidence’ on social norms change. It draws on findings from a scoping review of studies and evaluations of programmatic interventions to shift social norms, as well as insights from a broader and more heterogeneous body of evidence tracing how social change happens. In doing so, it aims to answer four questions: What are social norms?, How do social norms change?, How are social norms measured? and What role (if any) should global development organizations play in
shifting social norms?

Authors: Tara Patricia Cookson, Jennifer Bitterly, Lorena Fuentes and Maria Klara Kuss.

Citation: Cookson, T.P., L. Fuentes, M.K. Kuss, and J. Bitterly. 2023. “Social Norms, Gender and Development: A Review of Research and Practice”. UN-Women Discussion Paper Series No. 42. New York: UN-Women.