Strong Roots, Strong Women: Women and Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Flood Risk in Central Vietnam

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This report summarizes the findings and experiences from a project in flood-prone Thua Thien Hue province in Central Vietnam with the objective to increase the knowledge base on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) and to strengthen the flood resilience of the most vulnerable. This was achieved by implementing an ecosystem-based approach to disaster risk reduction to enhance community resilience to flooding. The EbA-approach was also used to understand and strengthen the role and participation of women to achieve a more inclusive disaster risk management. 

Authors: Philip Bubeck, Paul Hudson, My Pham, Liselotte Hagedoorn, Tien Le, Luke Brander, Tam Tran, Toon Haer, Sabina Wolf, Johanna Ickert, Lisa Dillenardt and Ralph Lasage

SOURCE(S):  German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV)