The Contribution of Gender Justice to Successful Climate Politics

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In report includes a comprehensive literature review has first been carried out, in order to show the current status of findings and available evidence on the gender aspects of climate change in industrialized countries. The review includes the main fields of action on mitigation of climate change and adaptation to its impacts. Based on the findings, potential obstacles to the integration of gender aspects into climate policies and measures as well as potential steps to overcome them were identified.

Furthermore, strategies to integrate gender in UN organizations and institutions relevant for climate change were investigated, as to which strategies have been chosen, and whether there is evidence on their efficacy. Finally, an analytical framework was developed which is designed to identify the gender dimensions which are relevant for portfolios of mitigation and adaptation programmes. This analysis aims primarily at detecting priorities as well as gaps in the sense of untapped potentials for gender justice in these programmes. Initial findings indicate which gender dimensions become effective, but also show the limitations due to constraints in data availability.

Authors: Ulrike Röhr, Gotelind Alber and Lisa Göldner

Source: Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt)