UNFCCC COP22: Gender Decision

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At COP 22 and SBI 45 in Marrakech, Parties continued their consideration of issues under the Gender and Climate Change agenda item (SBI Agenda Item 16 / COP Agenda item 15). In accordance with decision 23/CP.18 and decision 18/CP.20. Parties reviewed progress made towards the goals of gender balance and the implementation of gender-responsive climate policy and decided to continue and enhance the Lima Work Program on Gender (LWPG) for a period of 3 years (FCCC/SBI/2016/L.37), to be reviewed at COP25 in 2019. 

The activities to be implemented are:

  1. training for delegates on gender and climate change; 
  2. capacity building / negotiation skills for women delegates;
  3. a set of in-session workshops in 2018 & 2019; 
  4. technical guidance on entry points related to gender across other bodies of the UNFCCC
  5. requesting both technical bodies and Parties, as well as the Financial mechanism, to enhance communications and reporting on progress implementing gender-responsive climate policy
  6. requesting that a gender perspective be considered in the organization of the technical expert meetings on mitigation and adaptation
  7. inviting Parties to appoint and provide support for a national gender focal point for climate negotiations, implementation and monitoring.​

In order to drive the work of the LWPG, Parties agreed to the development of a ‘Gender Action Plan’.