UNFCCC Report Highlights CDM Contribution to Women’s Empowerment

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The UNFCCC released a report on the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and women that highlights the potential contribution of various CDM methodologies to the empowerment of women.

The report explains that the CDM involves over 200 methodologies, some of which are labeled as supporting women and children. Such a label can be applied if methodologies support the participation of women and children in projects; improve the living environment of women and children; optimize tasks typically undertaken by women and children; increase the affordability of household fixtures and appliances; or generate local livelihood opportunities through positions often filled by women. The report presents examples of gender sensitive methodologies, such as fuel-efficient cook stoves and rural electrification.
The report highlights future UNFCCC and CDM activities that could support women’s empowerment, including further enhancing the participation of women and children in the CDM, ensuring the operationalization of a loan scheme, providing further project development support and providing learning opportunities on gender and the CDM.