When Women Have Land Rights, the Tide Begins to Turn

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Manipadma Jena highlights in this article that women’s secure tenure rights lead to several positive development outcomes for them and their families, including resilience to climate change shocks, economic productivity, food security, health, and education. She highlights that climate change is ushering in new population dynamics. As men’s outmigrationcfrom indigenous and local communities continue to rise due to  fall  in land productivity, population growth and increasing outside opportunities for  wage labor, more women are left behind as de facto land managers, assuming even greater responsibilities in communities and households. The importance of protecting the full spectrum of women’s property rights becomes even more urgent as the number of  women-led households in rural areas around the world continues to grow

Read the full article: http://www.ipsnews.net/2017/06/whenwomenhavelandrightsthetidebeginstoturn/