Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index Report: Measuring Progress Toward Development

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This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) baseline survey results, summarizing both findings from the WEAI survey and the relationships between the WEAI and various outcomes of interest to the US Government’s Feed the Future initiative. These poverty, health, and nutrition outcomes include both factors that might affect empowerment and outcomes that might result from empowerment. The analysis includes thirteen countries from five regions and compares their baseline survey scores.

A few findings:

  • In the majority of countries and regions, the greatest barriers to empowerment for women in agriculture for women are:
    •  lack of access to credit and the power to make credit-related decisions,
    • excessive workload, and
    • a low prevalence of group membership. 
  • This differs by region: in Asia, group membership is the primary constraint to women’s empowerment.  In East and southern Africa, the major barriers are access to and decisions on credit and workload.
  • On average, women are twice as disempowered as men, but men face the same constraints to achieving empowerment in agriculture.

More info: http://bit.ly/1ia4v1s