Women’s Major Group: Position Paper for the 2018 High Level Political Forum (HLPF)

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This paper offers a detailed gender analysis of the six goals, demonstrates how women and girls are differently impacted by development failures and provides specific recommendations for future action. As governments take forward implementation of these SDGs, the women’s major group offers the following cross-cutting recommendations:

  1. Actively support the meaningful participation of women in decision-making;
  2. Invest in the collection of gender data;
  3. Address gender-discriminatory norms, stereotypes and gender-based violence;
  4. Value women’s time and prioritize the reduction and redistribution of women’s unpaid work;
  5. Use gender budgeting to ensure investments in women and girls;
  6. Protect women’s rights to own and control land, energy and other productive resources;
  7. Commit to accountability from the local level to the global.

Source: Women’s Major Group