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World Bank Group Gender Strategy 2024 – 2030: Accelerate Gender Equality to End Poverty on a Livable Planet

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The WBG Gender Strategy 2024-30 puts forward the bold ambition to accelerate gender equality to end poverty on a livable planet in alignment with the World Bank Group Evolution Roadmap. The strategy responds to the global urgency, fundamentality, and complexity of achieving gender equality. Building on implementation of the WBG Gender Strategy 2016-23, the new strategy engages with greater ambition – approaching gender equality for all as essential for global development – and engages differently.

The WBG Gender Strategy 2024-30 focuses on concerted action, financing, and programs at scale to support foundational wellbeingeconomic participation and women’s leadership. This will contribute to:

  • Progress in ending all forms of gender-based violence
  • Stronger and more resilient human capital
  • More and better jobs, including jobs of the future
  • Greater ownership and use of economic assets
  • Wider access to and use of enabling services
  • Advances in women’s participation in decision-making